
Space is Gravity

Gravity does not attract. It crushes. Gravity, synonymous for space, gathers all matter together and compresses it into objects; sometimes the compression results in a black hole. The manner in which space and matter were created guarantees this. The hole left over when matter was created from composite energy kept other super energy at bay. If not, no space; no universe. And it continues today. In short, the universe is pressurized. How it forces things together is explained in, Our Universe: An Alternate View.

Properties of Space-Time

Space has two properties: length and time. They are a constant. When multiplied together, the product is always one. Their attributes are in percentage of c and percentage of time period. Visualize a rectangle where length is base and height is time period. When the period grows longer, it takes longer to traverse the distance between the tic and the tock. Therefore; time becomes shorter.

As the speed of an object increases toward that of light, it shrinks in distance. So, as the base of the rectangle becomes shorter, the height grows longer. The proportion holds true to insure that everlasting constant of one. The easiest example takes place at 86.6025% light speed. Length is reduced to .500 and time period has grown to 2.000. Multiplying .5000 by 2.000 results in 1.000. Other cases must consider the resolution of the mathematics involved, or the answer will be .9999 etc. or 1.00000011 etc.

Matter is Created Daily

Some say that all matter that exists today came about during the creation of the universe. That cannot be true. Information about the creation of space and matter took 13.9 billion years to get here. Since the universe began everyplace, next year we will get more information about newly created matter. In a few million years that matter will turn into super-stars, Quasars, and galaxy’s that some other form of life will discover. This author states that, ‘some other form of life intentionally,’ because our sun will put a stop to our form of life in this solar system in a few million or billion years.

This Alternate View believes the edge of our Universe moves away from us at the speed of light creating more space and matter as she goes. It expands into the composite energy as that energy creates more space and matter. If we could look back in time 13.9 billion years plus another thousand or so, we would observe the composite energy from which we all came. The CRB keeps us honest by blocking that view of the past. Besides, energy is invisible; the work done is not.

Mass Does Not Increase With Speed.

Mass of an object does not increase with speed. Space consists of flux vectors that travel at c. They produce a force that is equal on all surfaces of an object. When that object moves, it is going away from vectors on the trailing side. While movement is slow, pressure is equal on all sides. When movement is approaching that of light, it is starting to outrun those vectors assisting its forward motion. They apply much less pressure on that hemisphere, so more energy is required to accelerate the matter in question. This Alternate View explains how this takes place. Even Einstein opposed to using mass in a relativistic manner.

We agree. Leave mass out of those equations.

More later.